The Isle of Wight has been the subject of extensive study, below is a collection of valuable resources that inform the recovery strategy process. These documents and websites provide in-depth insights and data vital to an understanding the Island's ecological and cultural significance.
Occurrence and distribution of microplastics in the mudflat sediments of the Medina Estuary, Isle of Wight
HAP Targets and Actions Summary
Maritime Cliffs and Slopes HAP (Revised 2007)
Calcareous Grassland HAP (Revised 2008)
Heathland and Acid Grassland HAP (Revised 2008)
Lowland Meadows HAP (Revised 2008)
Grazing and Grassland Management Topic Report (2002)
Wetlands HAP (Revised 2011)
Woodland HAP (Revised 2009)
Priorities for Woodland Biodiversity on the Isle of Wight (2003)
Farmland HAP (2004)
Isle of Wight Ancient Woodland Inventory
IW Community Natural Environment Action Plan 2005
Priorities for Woodland Biodiversity IW
Historic Environment Action Plan
Biodiversity Opportunity Areas
Local Record Centre
Wild on Wight Website Species Page
Red Squirrel Species Action Plan (2003)
Woodland Bat Species Action Plan (2005)
Species Audit update July 2013
Conservation Designations
Isle of Wight Downs Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Solent and Isle of Wight Lagoons Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
South Wight Maritime Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Briddlesford Copses Special Area of Conservation (SAC)
Solent and Dorset Coast Special Protection Area (SPA)
Solent and Southampton Water Special Protection Area (SPA)
Isle of Wight Sites of Scientific Special Interest (SSSI)
Solent and Southampton Water Ramsar
Farmers, Landowners and Land Managers
Island Nature Land Manager Briefing
Island Nature Land Manager Flyer
Agriland Article - Farmers in NI receive estimates of carbon stored in their soils
Guidance: Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme: expanded offer for 2024
Agri-Food and BioSciences Institute (AFBI): Soil Nutrient Health Scheme
NFU - Local Nature Recovery Strategies – essential information
CLA Webinar: Why Local Nature Recovery Strategies Matter
CLA Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) representatives attend committee meetings
Introduction to Nature Markets & Farming Toolkit - Green Finance Institute
Other Websites and Documents
W Natural Landscape (AONB) Management Plan (currently under revision)
IW Historic Environment Action Plan
IW Catchment Management Plan
Southern IFCA (inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority) Plans
IW National Character Area Description
West Wight Landscape Character Assessment
East Wight Landscape Character Assessment
Natural England: Industry experts share experiences of Biodiversity Net Gain on small sites
Natural England Climate Adaptation Manual
Interesting / Useful Maps
Isle of Wight Council Data Map (housing allocations, local green space, flood zones, SINCs etc)
Local Nature Recovery Strategy Data Viewer
Green Infrastructure Framework
Green Space Index 2023
DEFRA Designations
Historic England Aerial Archaeology Map
Isle of Wight Rights of Way (footpaths etc)
If you know of any other plans or studies we should be aware of, please get in touch.